
Tuesday 30 April 2013

Make-up looks

So, ever since i was little i've loved make-up. Because i'm a plus size girl, ive always had terrible self esteem, and wearing make up, no matter how glamorous or plain, always helped massively with my confidence.
It was only when i was about 16 years old that i really started to take an interest in doing make-up properly, both beauty and theatrical, spending alot of my money and to be honest, too much of my time which should of been spent revising for my GCSES, doing make up. I really started to think that i wanted to make a career out of it, as at the time it was all i wanted to do, and i loved it so much. unfortunately  since then, for lots of different reasons i have decided that for me, it probably isnt the best way to go. However my passion for makeup and beauty will never change.

About 2 years ago i decided to set up a photo album on Facebook of all my make-up creations, just for fun really, and also to see what all my friends thought as well  The response was so great, i got tons of comments and likes which made me really happy, and so many people were really complimentary about it. So i thought i would share just a few of my make up looks with you, and depending on responses i might just do some tutorials..we'll see.
Also, if anyone wants to see the whole album then i will leave a link to it below.



Song of the day - 30/04/13
The Good Natured / 5-HT

Exciting make up deal.

After my successful trip to Matalan, i went into Boots to have a look at some new lipstick shades.
I decided to go for two colours that i wouldnt normally go for, but i thought i really wanted to try something new.

I decided to go for two Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipsticks. One in 'Nude Delight 700' and 'Amethyst Shimmer 260' . You can get hold of these from any Drugs store, beauty shops, or online.

The Nude Delight is a really warm peachy flesh colour, and the Amethyst Shimmer is a much more bold raspberry colour with a hint of shimmer.

I was really pleased with my choices and so head to the till to pay for them when the lady tells me that there is a make up deal currently on and that i get a free Rimmel Scandal eyes Mascara with my lipsticks, it was a lovely surprise, and i now have another great quality mascara to try out for free!, and seens as mascaras, well make-up in general is so expensive these days, i wanted to share this with you all so that you could go and take advantage of this deal yourselves! 

Hopefully i will get round to doing a review of these two lipsticks and mascara soon!


New Leather Jacket.

After going out for a really nice Lunch with my lovely Mum today, i decided to go and have a look in Matalan. I really like Matalan because they have some really nice tops and dresses, and especially holiday things around this time, at really reasonable prices.

For the last 3/4 years i've been wearing the same leather jacket, and time has unfortunately taken its toll on it, and it doesn't really fit at all anymore, and is starting to rip. So when i turned the corner and saw this leather jacket on display i was really happy.
It was just the type of jacket i had been looking for. I love the biker jacket style of it, and am so pleased that it fits so well too!
I was even more pleased when i saw the price at £28.00. Now you might be thinking, well of course its cheap its not real leather, but i would say to those people, that you would be surprised at the steep prices shops put on fake leather items these days!
I'm going out on saturday night with my best friend and some of my other chums aswell, and i hope to wear this then, so i will try my best to get a picture of it before i go!
I'll include the link straight to the jacket on the Matalan website below!


Outfit of the day.

I thought that sharing outfit of the day with you all would be a good way of showing you some of my favorite items of clothing, and also some new things i've bought. I'll include where i got them from and if i can remember how much each thing was :)

The weather today where i live in lovely and sunny but not too hot, so i decided to add some summery-ness ( not even sure thats a word but i like it!) to my outfit by wearing some shorts, but wear some tights aswell.
Because i have decided to wear an all black bottom half i thought a more patterned shirt would add some fun and interest to the outfit.

My Shirt i am wearing was a christmas present, but i believe it is from River Island at around £25.00
I love leopard print so this is one of my favourite shirts!

My shorts are very plain black, linen from New Look. I did get these so long ago that im not sure i can remember how much they were, but knowing New Looks prices, i wouldnt imagine they would break the bank too much.

Tights, Primark. £4.00 for 4 pairs, very trusty!

It isnt very clear from the picture but im also wearing the triple chained pastel ball necklace that was in my 'spring/summer jewellery' blog yesterday.

I hope you liked this, and hope that maybe it has given you some of your own ideas!

 ( unfortunatly primark doesnt have a website sorry! )
see you soon
