
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Beautiful Bodies

Whilst having what can only be described as the tidy up of the century today, I was going through all my various body cream lotions and potions and thought that i would share my top 6 all time favorites with you because i would hugely recommend all 6 to anyone, and whats great about my little selection, is there is a wide range in price, so people can also get beautiful skin without breaking the bank. It's not always the case that the most expensive products give you the best results!
I'll start with the cheapest products and end with the more expensive ones..

E45 Moisturising Lotion - £2.55 from most drugstores.
What i always find with E45 cream, is that people tend to think its a more medicated cream than just for general beauty, and that the only reason people use it is maybe for problems with Eczema. To some extent this is partly true, there is a range especially for that, however this cream is just a simple moisturiser for dry skin. I really like using E45 because its perfume free, and fixes dry skin really quickly i find that applying it to your legs after shaving really helps heal damaged skin. I also think its brilliant value for money, this is the 200ml bottle and it has last me for ages!

Natural Collection Vanilla Body Lotion - £3.00 from Boots.
I have to say i think this could be my top Favorite cream. I use it religiously every day after showering, It smells absolutely amazing and unlike some creams, the scent stays on you for ages after-woods,  so if you  might of forgotten to put perfume on that day, or wanted something a bit lighter, this is really great. I find that it leaves my legs and arms feeling amazingly smooth, and noticeably softer, and again at such a great price, and very long lasting. Unlike some creams it doesn't leave your skins sticky either. I've had this bottle for 4 months, use it every day, and i'm still not finished with it.

Jergens Ultra healing moisturiser - £3.49 from any drugstore
I should start by saying that i didn't actually go out and buy this myself. I ordered some jewellery from Dorothy Perkins, and this small 25ml sample came free with my order. I was about to throw it away when i thought i might give it a try, and im so glad i did. I decided to try it on my my feet to try and improve the quality of my skin, within a few days, my feet look noticeably better, and much softer. This particular cream is packed with Vitimins C,E and B5 which are all really great for skin maintenance. It also hjas a really lovely subtle scent which isn't too over powering. This smaller 25ml size i think is really great because its travel size, so you can take it in your handbag with you everyday, and also its under the 100ml liquids airport limit, so it can taken on flights to refresh the skin.

Warm Vanilla Sugar Body Lotion - $11 - Bath & Body Works USA
This is another really great travel size cream that gives a quick refresher to your skin when on the go. It leaves my hands feeling really supple and soft, with a really gorgeous warm vanilla smell. The only unfortunate thing with this product, is that i haven't tracked down anywhere to buy it from in the UK yet. So i had to order it online, after deciding i must get some after sampling some of my sisters she brought back with her from her trip to Florida a few years ago. However i would say it was really worth it as i haven't found a product quite like this one before.

These final two products are a little more expensive however i wanted to include a range, and they are really great....

Clarins Foot Beauty Treatment Cream - £22.00 - from most beauty stores, beauty deparments, and some superstores.
I've always found that when reading through various beauty blogs, that one big issue is always how to get softer feet. I've tried so many different creams to try and tackle getting softer skin particularly on the heels of my feet but nothing really worked. Until my mum suggested this. It. is. brilliant. not only does it help repair cracked skin, and soften the feet, but it also has ingredients to take care of nails as well  a nice little added extra i think. Now, unlike some of the other creams i've shared with you, this isn't what i would call a quick fix, it did take a week or so of daily application to work, but it was so worth it as my feet are so much softer and repaired than before!

Chanel Allure body Lotion - £37.00 - from most drugstores
My final product to share with you today is, at £37.00 the most expensive in the list, however, although i am normally such a massive bargain hunter, this was one of the best investments i ever made. I wouldn't label this particular cream as having healing benefits, however i would say it was one of the best skin softeners i have ever, ever used. It has the most beautiful, feminine, Chanel no5 scent, which isnt over powering at all. I used to enjoy using this everyday, however because it is quite expensive i am trying to use it sparingly now. However i still think that even in small doses this is so great for achieving super smooth skin, with a lovely light fragrance.

I really hope you've enjoyed reading about my favourite Beauty cream of the moment, and hope that you decide to try some of them out for yourself!

see you tomorrow,