
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Very small Matalan Jewellery haul

Hey everyone, i'm sorry that i havnt blogged in a while, i've been stressing about my exams and just havent really been able to have time to get to my large list of topics i still need to blog about.
However i've taken some time out from revision today and thought i would give you just two small blogs for today, and then post my slightly bigger more exciting blogs within the next week or two.

My first blog is just a really small Jewellery haul. I went shopping the other day, and i decided to go into Matalan. Now if any of you abroad havent heard of Matalan, its a relatively cheap, clothing store for men and women, but it also sells homewear.
I always tend to find that they have great jewellery reduced sections all year round, and as you probably know from my previous blogs, jewellery is my favourite, and so whenever i'm passing a Matalan i always try to go and see if they have any good jewellery bargins.
I found 4 things this week that i really loved and were all reduced.

Firstly i found this really cool chunky necklace. I'm more of a gold then silver person myself and i love big statement pieces, so i thought this was really great. Although it looks really heavy to wear, its not at all, and looks really good with any plain outfit that you want to make just that little bit more adventurous or fun.

Secondly i saw this cross necklace. Now over the past 6 months or so crosses have become so in fashion, i see them everywhere, on shirts, socks, bags, purses, there everywhere. And i told myself that i didnt really want to get drawn in to this 'craze' , however i say this cross necklace and realized it was also a mood necklace too, where it changes color depending on how your feeling. I always loved those as a kid so thought i'd get it.

Finally, i bought two rings to add to my collection.
Firstly this rose gold twisted piece with small gems.
so sweet and delicate.

Lastly this larger, more bold ring.
with gold hoop setting, and a huge dark stone inset on the front.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my little haul, and maybe seen something you like..
watch this space for my ring collection, and 5 May must have blogs. coming soon.

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